今天安装Lync 2013, 全部都做完了,但是打开Lync控制台的时候用域管理员不能登录了。报错: Unauthorized: Access is denied due to a RBAC authorization Failure , 如下图,
RBAC Group:
CSAdministrator – Highest level of Lync Server administration account that allows administrative tasks, modify settings, creating and assign user roles, adding new site, pools and services
CSArchiving Administrator – Modify archiving configuration and policies
CSBranchOfficeTechnician – Manage Survival Branch Appliance*
CSHelpDesk – Read-only rights on user properties & policies
CSLocationAdministrator – Lowest level of rights for Enhanced 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) management, including creating E9-1-1 locations and network identifiers, and associating these with each other
CSResponseGroupAdministrator – Manage configuration for Response Group application within a specific site
CSRoleAdministrator – Manage & assign roles to users*
CSServerAdministrator – Manage, monitor, and troubleshoot servers and services. Has rights to prevent new connections to servers, stop and start services, and apply software updates
CSUserAdministrator – Enable, Disable, and move (between servers/pools) and assign existing policies to users
CSViewOnlyAdministrator – Read-only access of configuration at server, pool, and user information
CSVoiceAdministrator – Create, configure, and manage voice-related settings and policies